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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 2994
 - posted
Here is part two - although it has little about trains I thought you might like to see what I got up to in the US of A! Part 3 will contain the return train journey....

When I got to the Bus Station the last passenger was getting on and I made it... Just! Thanks to my New York Friend ÒEdÓ who got the bus tickets for me because I could not buy them from NZ.

I am very relieved to be in the bus! The cameras both have flat batteries!!! So I canÕt take any pictures! I will have to charge them tonight in the motel ready for tomorrow and the Formula One Grand Prix of Canada! Oh yeah! IÕm going to a F1 race! With all the travel the thought had slipped my mind!

There are two women across from me talking in French and it sounds wonderful!. We move off toward Plattsburgh going past the Schenectady turn off. The bus driver is doing a reasonable job of light humour. We go past Saratoga raceway and let 2 passengers off at Saratoga. The seats on this bus are nowhere as comfortable as the trains although the change of pace is good and IÕm getting a different perspective even if the bus has something out of balance and is causing a vibration... The motorway/highway is humming with traffic, as usual huge numbers if trucks but now there are also large numbers of big motorcycles - a Harley Davidson moves up alongside us - it has beautiful paint and I smile at the riders who wave cheerfully and the bike thunders by.

We take the turn off at Plattsburgh and I see the Days Inn motel. We continue down the street for a while and park in a car park. I asked if I could get off early but am told no. I get my things and see there are 3 taxiÕs parked. I get into a taxi and he drops me off at the motel.

The lady has a hard time understanding me and seems unable to find my name on their computer I knew inside that this was a problem with them and could not contemplate Terry not being there or organising the room as he said - she eventually finds a post-it-note on her desk with my name and gives me the card/key for the room and gives me directions - I go up the lift find the room and put the key in. Opening the door I that it is dark and see two people Terry and his Son Eon lying on one of the beds. We introduce ourselves and they have a few laughs at my accent! Ahh whatever!! Or as Terry would say ÒWhat about it?Ó Terry is quite tall and has a smooth southern accent, also a great sense of humour as IÕve often seen on the Formula One Forum. Eon seemed a little unsure about me but as the trip was to unfold we got on quite well.

Finally I am able to phone home! They have been worried but knew that as I was on the train for almost 3 days that IÕd be out of contact... I almost wish IÕd gone for the global roaming but IÕm happy I didnÕt as the cost was too high. I told Anna everything I could within the short time and was now happy that they would not worry about me at home.

We watch the report of the qualifying for the Canadian GP and go and get some food. I finally get into a bed that does not move and donÕt remember falling asleep! I wake and am told that my snoring was loud! I did warn them! But thatÕll teach em for making fun of my accent!!! Revenge!!

We then move out and IÕm hit with a headache and start to feel sick. Eon gives me two aspirin and in about half an hour thankfully IÕm good again. We cross the border with no problems at all and Terry drives to a car park thatÕs less than a minutes walk from the subway that will take us to the track. ThereÕs heaps of people all in F1 clothing and IÕm really excited now. The subway train was fast and in no time we were getting off walking up the stairs out into a fine Sunday morning.

We walk and cross the bridge that separates the track/island from the mainland. Evidently the island is made from earth that was taken to make the subway and underground shopping centre. I also get to speak French as I said ÒBonjourÓ to the lady checking the tickets and ÒMerciÓ when she let us go! Not much but more than IÕve ever done before!! We continue to walk into the track and arrive at a sign post that directs Terry and Eon in one direction and me in another and we arrange to meet at that sign after the race.

I walk off totally excited and find the stand. It turns out IÕm 3 rows from the top! I feel like IÕve climbed a small mountain and the view is nothing short of spectacular! The river is flowing to my right, the track is directly in front of me shaped in a chicane that will hopefully slow the cars enough for me to get a photo. To my left is a large number of trees and it is a very jovial atmosphere in a very beautiful setting. There is a lady next to me who graciously offers me suntan I accept as although thereÕs a good breeze keeping the temperature down there isnÕt a cloud in the sky and IÕm in danger of cooking on this aluminium stand!

The first race is the Formula BMW series and is a very scaled down version of F1 with BMW motor-cycle engines. The racing was close and exciting to watch with several collisions resulting in most cars finishing without at least one wing, Terry says ÒitÕs not often you see a race where over half the field finish with wings missing and even less often to see that one car even had finished with an extra wing!Ó

Shortly after they paraded a bus that President Bush was using on his campaign, built in Canada they were proud of it even if it did appear to scrape its roof negotiating its way under the bridge it didnÕt look THAT special, it was, after all a Bus! Now if itÕd been a train! Then the drivers parade where the drivers were driven around in Austin 100Õs - called 100Õs because they could do 100mph, not very big cars but beautifully restored and presented.

The helicopters are buzzing around, the crowd are cheerful still and seem in good spirits what a truly excellent atmosphere and I seriously am on cloud 9!

With an hour to go I notice thereÕs been an endless stream of people crossing the bridge to the track and the stand IÕm in is full. After hearing stories of how F1 is boring and the fans are leaving in droves itÕs great to see! Apparently the droves didnÕt leave they just went to the Canadian GP! The lady next to me offers me more sunscreen I feel stupid for not bringing my own I offer her some money but she refuses I am very grateful.

Also I have to thank Carolyn who got my ticket for me to the Canadian Grand Prix I had meant to pay her for it but with the problems with money I was unable to... I will pay her back it is the least I can do. Carolyn holds a special part in my memory of this trip as the Grand Prix would not have been like this if not for her. She got me what I think was the best seat in the house. Carolyn has a Formula One site www.f1roro.com you should pay it a visit. Carolyn has experienced a few Grand Prixs and has even driven a F1 car also itÕs a very good site.

It didnÕt seem long before I saw on the large TV screen a F1 car leave the pits to do a lap of the circuit and take its place on the grid. It did seem a while before if finally emerged from under the bridge bringing a huge cheer from all in the stand. It was a Jaguar and clearly the driver was not pushing it but the deep almost baritone sound being emitted was awesome - it quickly changed into a screaming soprano crescendo as the driver accelerated away then as he slowed for the next corner we could hear large booms - not long after the others made their way around the circuit to take up their respective grid positions the sounds were awesome and the cars looked very different than they do on TV.

I could see the activity from the grid on the large screen and soon the crews had left the track to allow the cars to do the formation lap. This time when the cars came through they roared and screamed as the drivers put heat into the tyres by forcing wheel-spin and braking heavily - again what an amazing sound!

They lined up again for the start and I could see the lights go on one by one and then GO! GO! GO!

I could hear the cars coming from a good distance as the revs built and dropped accompanied by huge bangs as they backfired. It sounded like a swarm of angry hornets approaching! Finally they emerged from under the bridge quickly and soon they had gone past I was able to catch them on the video and took some digital photos too.

A Minardi spun out in front of us and kicked up a mini tornado of dust as it wheel-spun back onto the circuit. The sound of the commentators was not too hard to hear unless the cars were roaring past and soon the race settled down. MS starting from 6th moved up to first with Rubens 2nd with Ralf taking 3rd although he was to be later disqualified as was his team mate Juan and the two Toyotas for illegal brake cooling ducts.

The cars looked and sounded so much different to how they appear on TV and I was amazed with the sound. All too soon it was over, I waited for the press conference to be over and headed to the arranged meeting point - I managed to get that wrong and found myself distracted by the passing crowd speaking French and some unusual sounding birds flying around a tree I was next to. I soon realised that and got to the right place where Terry and Eon were waiting.

We waited a bit more and Carolyn and Sarah arrived, Terry introduced us and we talked about the race then headed off the track. The tunnel into the subway out was jammed packed with people and it took some time and jostling to get on the train emerging where we had entered that morning and walked back to the Isuzu and headed into the city for a look around and tea.

The roads in Montreal were very rough (almost as rough as New York Cities but thatÕs another story) and soon we were parked outside where Sarah and Carolyn were staying, they changed clothes and we then went walking around the city and ended up at Burger King of all places! The food was not distinguishable from the Burger King here in NZ but it was good as I was VERY hungry.

After walking around and checking some shops selling F1 merchandise, watching some FerrariÕs and Porsches drive by we went back to the Isuzu where Sarah left us as she had to work and was going to make her own way to Indianapolis - missing what I think was probably one of the best parts of the trip.

Carolyn, Terry, Eon and myself then got into the Isuzu and headed back to Plattsburgh. While leaving Montreal Terry pointed out a suspension bridge that had been built by the same company that built the Eiffel tower, as a tribute or showing off, the bridge had 4 mini Eiffel towers on the top of the legs supporting the cables.

I was sad to be leaving Montreal having not seen that much but excited about the trip ahead! Customs was busy but there was no problem getting through and we got back to the motel in short time and watched some of the replay from the race on tv and went to bed. The next morning we checked out and headed into New York!!

Terry had a laptop with a navigation program on it, Carolyn operated it and gave directions while Eon and I in the back first watched Monty Pythons Search for the Holy Grail and followed it up with playing games on the X-Box. I have to admit to being a lousy gamer, Eon easily beat me in the racing game Project Gotham Racing and annihilated me in the fighting sim Halo! However it was good fun and with the passing scenery it was a very good trip.

We had directions supplied by Ed to find a parking building and as we arrived we saw a shiny Volvo S60 parked at the entrance. After parking and retrieving cameras we walked out to find Ed. Ed also has a special part of this trip as he organised and got me the Bus ticket and now he has organised a park and has hired a car to show us some of his city!

As I said earlier the roads in Montreal were rough but they had nothing on New York! We ÒcruisedÓ at a low altitude through the maddening streets while the serene sounds of classical music floated in the car while Ed negotiated some of the pot holes and skillfully conducted the orchestra! The moment I saw Ed (I hope he does not take this unfavourably) and he spoke the first thing that came into my mind was David Letterman - his talk, attitude was very similar and he has a great friendly smile that any judge would find hard not to warm to!

First port of call was the showroom where they have the hugely expensive (and some say ugly) Maybach. Entry to the building is through a revolving door and then if the people inside like the look of you they unlock the next door to let you in. I donÕt remember much of the car but I got my photo taken in front and I told the salesman that IÕd be back to pick it up directly after I picked up my lotto winnings! Needless to say I didnÕt go back!

We then moved to the hole in the ground that is ÒGround ZeroÓ where it is a very emotional sight/site. There is a cross made from the twin towers and photos on the huge fence surrounding the area. The surrounding buildings are still carrying the scars from that day and itÕs still not known if some of them will be able to be saved. It was an emotional moment for me as I still remember the day 9/11 like it was yesterday I did my best to hold it in check.

Ed dropped us off at the entrance to the Empire State Building and we walked into the foyer. After taking some photos and moving around we went to the ticket booth and moved to the elevators, the wait was not that long and soon we were going up the lift. The lift counts floors in 10Õs and soon I felt my ears ÒpopÓ from the elevation. We exited the elevator and then moved into another that took us to the observation floor. After having our photo taken and getting in a queue again we finally made our way outside to the spectacular views of New York City! A sign downstairs said conditions were clear and around the building there was a large amount of smog over the city and some areas were barely visible.

Below the city hummed and the sirens and horns youÕd hear on any TV program in New York were clearly heard. All of the big buildings around us suddenly looked small by our new perspective - the Hudson River, the sea could be seen. In the distance the wake of two boats appeared looking like they were racing each other up the river. The observation floor was crowded and I was thinking that the money gained from the customers wanting a view from the top would certainly make the owners a tidy sum of money.

I took photos from all 4 sides just breathing in the atmosphere and view below. This is definitely a highlight of the trip. Way below the people continued their lives in their routine as I do at home while I surveyed the view from the clouds. It really is a huge city and the energy is amazing.

We went back down and was then driven to Central Park, we walked in and saw Strawberry Fields, I purchased a sweat shirt that has bright coloured cotton depicting the Statue of Liberty with New York written on it.... every time I wear that I will remember where I got it and the trip around it.

We then went to another park where at the opposite side the sea and of course The Statue of Liberty could be seen. The ferries that travel there were not going so unfortunately I could not get there. So close and yet so far! I saw a huge Statten Island ferry motor out, took some photos and headed back to the car. Ed then showed us some Bob Dylan sites as Terry is a big Dylan fan, we then saw Wall Street and other places I canÕt remember.

Later we went to a nice restaurant. It was not too brightly lit, had dark wood and had a very warm familiar atmosphere, a jem in the heart of a big city. I had a meal of monk fish that was really delicious and had cranberry juice which was often topped up and delicious too! Following a great meal we talked for quite a while, Ed told me heÕd been in NZ and was happy with his coasters with paua shell and siliouhettes of a silver fern, Kiwi bird and a traditional Maori artistic shape - I wish I could have got more but my finances were really tight - it was great to meet Ed and he was fantastic, IÕll forever be grateful for his tour of New York City and is another part of this trip I never want to forget.

Finally it was time to move on and we followed Ed as he showed us the way out that would lead us to our next destination Washington DC! The Empire state building was awash in red, white and blue light and I took a blury photo of it.

Not long after being tired we stopped at a Motel... we should have known things were funny by the sign having the ÒLÓ on the neon sign not working... ÒMoteÓ

We parked and put our belongings into the room realising we were going to sleep and go. Firstly the A/C was not working very well, it would temporarily make a noise as if it were working but in reality it was doing very little to cool the air! It turned itself on and off often but after a while we got used to it and didnÕt have ANY problems going to sleep. When the lights were turned out Terry said we should look at the door... there appeared to be holes in the door letting light in... it was if somebody had shot the door with a 12-gauge shotgun!!! Terry said ÒI ainÕt turning the light on again in case thereÕs something I donÕt want to see so yÕall better shut up and go to sleep!Ó

After the days touring of New York, we did plenty of walking I was very tired so I fell asleep quickly and when we woke and inspected the shower we decided not to have one and bailed out! We got breakfast at McDÕs and Terry filled up the Isuzu while I took some photos, bought some batteries that turned out to be flat, a lotto ticket that didnÕt win anything and returned to the Isuzu to continue the road trip. I took plenty of photos, some pretty useless but theyÕll be good for my memory to remember the trip.

We got into Washington reasonably early and I put my camera cards into a shop to get them put on CD. We then spent the day walking to the various buildings and monuments. We saw the front and back of the White House and later we saw the roof.

It was very hot during the day and Myself and Carolyn were most effected by the heat having to stop for rests more than we would have liked. I think adrenaline pushed me on and we continued to see the sights. At lunch we went to the Washington Hotel Ed had recommended. It has a restaurant on the roof that is open out with canvas roof giving fantastic views of the city and the monuments. I remember having a peach smoothie that I still think today is the best IÕve ever had! We could clearly see the roof of the White House and several men in dark clothing with what looked like rifles in bags were on the roof.

Previously weÕd seen a motorcade led by several large ÒdonÕt mess with meÓ characters in uniform on equally large Harley Davidson motorcycles who stopped traffic to allow the SUVÕs and a limo flying what looked like the Afghanastan flag on one side and the US flag on the other fluttering as it flew by.

We walked past the CleopatraÕs Needle unable to get inside as the days alloted tickets had already been given away and weÕd have to wait another day which we couldnÕt. We moved on to the newly opened WWII memorial and moved to the Lincoln Memorial which for me was the highlight.

We then went to the Capitol Building sat on the stairs and took some photos resting and talking about the days events. We saw the Ronald Regan Building with large pictures hanging and the Nations flag as everywhere else was at half mast due to his passing away.

IÕve taken more photos today than I took on the 2 day train trip!

We then returned to the Isuzu picking up my photo discs and camera cards on the way and headed toward Indianapolis

Tuesday night we stop in Hagerstown, have a nice hot shower and great sleep! I Woke before the others and waited for them to wake. Terry made some coffee and then we moved out stopping at Dunkin Donoughts where had a delicious honey/bran/raisin muffin - did I mention it was HUGE! Everything around here comes in two sizes Huge and Really HUGE!

Now weÕre heading toward Indy and the last part of the road trip. 80 miles out of Indy and the end of our road trip that has taken us from Montreal to here is over. It only seems like yesterday I met Terry and Eon for the first time. We had lunch at a burger place - I had roast beef with ÒcurlyÓ chips that tasted like they had a KFC coating. I spent some more time with Eon on the X-box but IÕll need loads of practice to be half as good as he is. IÕm looking forward to the go kart race where I know my driving is better.

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