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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 2123
 - posted
Hi, Ive always wondered, do electrified railway lines in the south of England or anywhere for that matter have their own power stations? If so are they coal or diesel powered? Ive never noticed one at the side of the track or do the railways all one off the national grid?

Also can one substation at the side of the line power many sections of track or just one for each section?


Mr. Toy
Member # 311
 - posted
May we ask what your interest is and why you wish to know this? Forgive my paranoia, but you are asking about vital support systems for trains. If the information got into the wrong hands it could be trouble. "Loose brains derail trains."

Trust God, love your neighbor, and never mistake opinion for truth.
-Mr. Toy

The Del Monte Club Car

Member # 2123
 - posted
Originally posted by Mr. Toy:
May we ask what your interest is and why you wish to know this? Forgive my paranoia, but you are asking about vital support systems for trains. If the information got into the wrong hands it could be trouble. "Loose brains derail trains."


Member # 2123
 - posted
thats is very true actually, sorry, just wondered as ive been interested in everything else to do with trains before. I'm actually quite interested in electricity and electronics and how things work ever since i was a kid.

Any way yeah thats right, i have to say though its really sad that the world has got like this now, twenty years ago you could probably ask the same question and everyone else would be pleased that youre showing an interest. Now the world has got the way it is everything is treated suspicious now and things are different. Quite sad really I guess the way its got now. Never mind, bad choice of question I guess, I'll think of some better ones to ask in future.


Geoff Mayo
Member # 153
 - posted
(See my other post for my feelings towards this).

Basically the UK railways run off the national grid (where electrified). Each substation can only support so many trains, so they're spaced out at regular intervals. They are fairly obvious if you look out for them. As to the source of the electricity, that depends on where the juice is coming from.

I'm not aiming at Mr Toy here, whose posts I usually find very interesting and informative, but this board seems to be getting very edgy these days. Feeding tidbits of basic information is okay, pretty much what you'd get off any railwayman. However, if anybody was really determined to cause mischief, it's not hard to find detailed technical information on the Internet. Just be calm, think about the question, and give a rational answer - without being specific if you're concerned.

Geoff M.

Mr. Toy
Member # 311
 - posted
Steve, sorry if I was overly suspicious. We've had similar questions posted by other "new members" who we were unfamiliar with, and it has raised some concerns.

We do encourage your participation on this board. Personally, I think it is the friendliest, and most civil rail discussion group on the internet. But, alas, we must all be cautious these days.

When it comes to railroad technology, I am not particularly knowledgable (my main interest is the political side of Amtrak), so I am probably not be the best person to say which technical questions should or should not be answered.

But while your questions are apparently innocent, someone with sinister motives may be quietly monitoring the board for little nuggets of information that may assist their dastardly deeds. Thus it would probably be wise to keep certain details out of a public forum. I say this for your own benefit, and as a friendly reminder to the regulars here. Thanks for understanding.

Trust God, love your neighbor, and never mistake opinion for truth.
-Mr. Toy

The Del Monte Club Car

[This message has been edited by Mr. Toy (edited 12-06-2002).]

Member # 1427
 - posted
I agree with Mr. Toy on this. It's not paranoia. It's being smart.

I don't get the feeling that Steve1997 is asking his questions out of anything but benign interest. But anyone on the planet who has an online connection can read the answers.

Some responders feel they're answering with only general or incomplete information. And that may be true.

But the smallest bits and pieces of information can be combined with other bits and pieces, found elsewhere, to create a much bigger picture. It's called "research."

Yes, there are many places on the web where train information can be found. But the site you're currently staring at is one of the most well known and easily found of all.

Why make it easier for less honorable people to piece together the "bigger picture" they're searching for?

Just be careful.


Ira Slotkin
Member # 81
 - posted
Well done exchange, group. I share the concerns expressed. Take a look at the posting by "??????" on the Rail Industry section of this board to see what Mr. Toy is talking about. Odd and demanding posting from someone who lists themselves as "?????" and if you click over to see who it is from there is no useful data. Caution serves us well, as do the respectful tones exchanged here.
Geoff Mayo
Member # 153
 - posted
If we really did cease discussion on anything train related, just because it might give somebody a tidbit of information, we might as well completely shut down these forums. That may sound harsh but that's the reality of it. These forums were set up to learn and share information about all things train related and that philosophy is being eroded by the *fear* of the few in society that want to cause harm. If you stop discussing trains, they win, no war required.

Sorry if that is a bit heavy but that's the way I feel.

Geoff M.

Member # 1427
 - posted
Actually, 99% of the posts on these boards aren't of a technical nature. No one is suggesting that we all look over our shoulders before answering them.

It's the remaining 1% that we're talking about. Will Steve1977 continue to live a happy, productive existence if we don't give him detailed information about railroad tracks and power supplies?

I'm absolutely certain that he will -- just as RJMamula has bravely accepted that he may have to live the rest of his days without knowing how to derail a train.

A tragedy? Hardly. Remember, we're not racing to find a cure for cancer here.

I'm sure each of us is a living, breathing "font of knowledge and wisdom" on certain rail topics. Yes, we like to share it. But we're not in Kansas anymore. And it isn't a question of who "wins." It's a question of who could lose.

So if someone posts a query, even an innocent one, that could conceivably lead to people getting hurt? Sorry, that's where I draw the line.

[This message has been edited by dilly (edited 12-08-2002).]

Member # 589
 - posted
Well Said!
Geoff Mayo
Member # 153
 - posted
Well, you can't really compare RJMamula and Steve1977. The former was asking about how to derail a train and how to uncouple cars. The latter was asking about non-specific questions, like where do they get their power from, station announcers, etc. I hardly call that life-threatening. Now, if it had been "Where is the feeder line for Penn Station's electrics" and "how do I disable the station announcer" then I'd be worried. That's how I draw the line.

Oh, and I learnt a lot about the precise dimensions of various pieces of rolling stock yesterday - right from this board! Double standards?

As I obviously have different opinions to the rest of you, I'll quietly withdraw now, unless there is something more constructive to be said. I've said my bit, so I'll leave it at that.

Geoff M.

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