My new building is done, my tables have been built, and now I'm laying plywood roadbed for my HO scale track. A couple questions:
1) I had originally intended to use minimum mainline radius of 48", but I have had to settle for 36-40" since my RR building is 2' smaller in length and width than I thought it'd be, and I have one overhead attic stairwell I need to clear. ANYWAY, my question is: what has your experience been with 36" mainline radius for passenger trains (AMTRAK Superliners)? Have you had derailment/uncoupling problems?
2) What maximum grades have you guys been using for passenger rail main line (please reply in inches/ft) -- I may have grades as much as 5 inches/10 ft of track -- is that excessive?
Thanks a lot......
Rich Kimmel
Mike Smith Member # 447
RRRich, I have a 2 engine, 12 car Superliner consist that cruises around 35 1/2 inch curves, smooth as silk. You should have no problems at all with those radiuses (radii?).
I don't know about maximum grades. My track is flat, at about 85 inches above the floor.
I did remember something important. Do not use an "s" curve unless you have at least a 6" straight track in the middle of the "s" curve. You will get an uncouple or derail if your "s" curve is too tight. {Yes, Walthers Superliner cars will survive an 85" fall}
[This message has been edited by mikesmith (edited 10-06-2004).]
RRRICH Member # 1418
Thanks for the reply, Mike -- yes I am aware of the S-curve problem, and hopefully will not have that situation on my layout!!
Your layout is 85" high? Wow -- seems high -- mine begins at 48" but I'll have mountains and track 6-8 inches higher than that in some places.
Mike Smith Member # 447
RRRich, my wife would not let me take up any "floor space" in the house, so I elevated it, and hung it off the walls. This allowed me to create a 9-foot-long bridge across the entry to our dining room.