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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gilbert B Norman
Member # 1541
 - posted
It appears that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is being courted to seek the Republican 2012 Presidential nomination. There are polls that have suggested he is the Republican that could defeat President Obama, whose most ardent supporters will have to acknowledge is quite vulnerable. Very simply not since Roosevelt has any president been re-elected with an unemployment rate at today's levels - and during 1936, the economy was in recovery - a point highly questionable with regards to today's economy:


Brief passage:

  • “Christie understands what it is like to be a Republican in the Northeast,” said Lynn Krogh, a Republican campaign consultant in New York, adding: “He’s practical. He’s not just a barnburner.”

    Buzz about Mr. Christie’s presidential prospects intensified in recent days after a previously unknown group, the Committee for Our Children’s Future, unveiled a $1.5 million television advertising campaign in New Jersey promoting Mr. Christie’s accomplishments.

    “Runaway spending. Record debt. Gridlocked government. Washington is backwards,” the script reads. “But Chris Christie, with bipartisan support, is taking New Jersey in another direction.”
Rail passenger advocates had best be reminded that this fellow is a train-hater. Remember, despite considerable Federal (FTA) participation, he killed a project already started to build two additional Hudson River tunnels for New Jersey Transit use (although in fairness it should be noted a relatively inexpensive line extension project moves forth). This was not some "Trans-Kansas HSR" project. This was a project to facilitate the movement of people that are there and not part of some "car-centric' population.

But all told should there be someone resembling Fiorello La Guardia standing there January 20, 2013 raising his right, the Adios drumheads has best be on order.
Ocala Mike
Member # 4657
 - posted
If Christie takes the oath on 1/20/13, they better roll out the heavy-duty swearing-in platform. New motto of the country will be "supersize me"!

Seriously, Gil, isn't he just the latest "Republican du jour"? The election is theirs to lose, but lose it they will if they come up with the wrong candidate.

I like Cain and Huntsman myself.
Gilbert B Norman
Member # 1541
 - posted
Mike, it is simple Black and White; there are more polls out there suggesting that at this time, Christie could beat Obama than there are showing either Perry or Romney doing so.

With or without foundation, the Republicans have clearly switched from "sacrifical lamb" mindset to "contender".
Henry Kisor
Member # 4776
 - posted
I had to look up "Drumthwacket." It sounded positively Dickensian, but turns out it's the name of the Jersey governor's residence.

Christie has one big problem: his obesity. The Democrats will harp on that and focus on whoever is the VP candidate. If that candidate is from the far right, independent voters may not be persuaded.
Member # 15447
 - posted
Any GOP candidate is going to be anti-Amtrak. Christie is just the flavor of the month. His positions on immigration, global warming, gay marriage, gun rights, taxes and health care will be more important than his opinions about the Silver Meteor.
Gilbert B Norman
Member # 1541
 - posted
Mr. Vincent, I would guess the candidate selection process for the party out of power is quite analogous to the Fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth. The melodies of the first three movements have been rejected and Beethoven has now introduced his "Ode to Joy'. Somehow, I don't think train-hating (but hardly a 'gravitational issue") Christie is GOP's "flavor of the month".

As I noted earlier, the Republicans have good reason to think the Election is theirs to win; "Sarah the Sacrificial Lamb' can simply stay 'Sarah the Entertainer".

Finally, should it be of any interest, my point regarding Beethoven's Ninth is illustrated in the first six minutes of this linked video:

Member # 2997
 - posted
Originally posted by Gilbert B Norman:
Mr. Vincent, I would guess the candidate selection process for the party out of power is quite analogous to the Fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth. The melodies of the first three movements have been rejected and Beethoven has now introduced his "Ode to Joy'. Somehow, I don't think train-hating (but hardly a 'gravitational issue") Christie is GOP's "flavor of the month".

As I noted earlier, the Republicans have good reason to think the Election is theirs to win; "Sarah the Sacrificial Lamb' can simply stay 'Sarah the Entertainer".

Finally, should it be of any interest, my point regarding Beethoven's Ninth is illustrated in the first six minutes of this linked video:



Thanks for the post, Mr. Norman. I love the way the first, dissonant chord sets up the 4th movement. One of my favorite Giulini recordings is my old, vinyl, recording of Mozart's 40th and 41st symphony, with Giulini and the New Philharmonia. But, alas, it's full of snaps, crackles, and pops. I don't think the CD version is available. I have never heard the Giulini/LSO recording of Beethoven's 9th. Your post prompted me to order one from Amazon.

Ocala Mike
Member # 4657
 - posted
From the prospect of having a morbidly obese president to a discussion of Beethoven and Mozart; that's why I love "thread creep."

"It had been a wonderful evening and what I needed now, to give it the perfect ending, was a little of the Ludwig Van." - Alex DeLarge, "A Clockwork Orange"

I wonder if they're going to change the name of the presidential aircraft to Air Force 1-1/2 if Christie takes over. Can't imagine what his Secret Service code name would be.
Member # 4344
 - posted
Since we have a musical theme going, thought some might enjoy this quasi flash mob in the Copenhagen station - especially if you like Bolero.
Member # 1418
 - posted
Thanks for sharing the video, Palmland!
Member # 5102
 - posted
A can of orange juice can beat Obama (and do a better job). The NYT coming up a day late and a dollar short, as usual when it comes to GOP topics, is somewhat laughable. The Christie "rumor" has been out and about for quite some time, and I have been following this stuff very closely for months. Not to worry--Christie is not going to run.

As far as Amtrak being in trouble with a GOP prez, nope....History proves that's it's same/old, same/old no matter who is at the helm.
Member # 5102
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ocala Mike:
[QB] The election is theirs to lose, but lose it they will if they come up with the wrong candidate.

If anyone can screw up a virtual "gimme" election, the GOP can. There is no reason that this should not be a landslide election that will pummel Obama, but leave it to the GOP to put another McCain into the mix (which I don't think they will do this time, but you never know...they run horrible campaigns in my opinion). On a side note, I predicted this about 2 months ago and I still believe it today, do not be surprised if we see impeachment proceedings begin against Obama due to the "Fast and the Furious" illegal gun-running travesty that occurred under his watch (and AG Holder). With that taking place, or even the threat of it taking place, the DNC will order Obama to drop out of his reelection bid and Hillary will go up in his place. Should this happen (and I believe there is a strong chance that it will), she has a very good chance of getting elected---no matter who the GOP puts up. The question is: Does the DNC have the "huevos" to do it, without being afraid of being called "racist"? You heard it here first.
Ocala Mike
Member # 4657
 - posted
Your scenario is not implausible, smitty, however I think the impeachment proceedings might come about due more to the Solyndra case as well as other "green" company feddybux loans than the "fast and furious" case.

I listen to Michael Savage a lot (he was a classmate of mine in high school and college), and he's talking this up a lot on his radio program (when he's not touting his new book).
Member # 6052
 - posted
As long as we're all prognosticating, I'll bet that there will be no impeachment efforts that gain any traction, and that the only thing that will matter will be the perceived state of the economy come election time. And Amtak will limp along for another year.
Gilbert B Norman
Member # 1541
 - posted
Impeachments, even if groundless....Special Prosecutors.....lame duck, i.e. what President in modern history has EVER had a more effective second term than the first?.

Why does a President even WANT a second term?

Time to consider having the President limited to serve one-term of six years. OK, the "check and balance' of House two; President four; Senate six with the old Senate never dying would be compromised, but it has just been too much having the Campaign start the day after the Inauguration. On that point, I think I first heard the term "Tea Party' within thirty days after such.
Member # 5102
 - posted
Originally posted by Ocala Mike:
Your scenario is not implausible, smitty, however I think the impeachment proceedings might come about due more to the Solyndra case as well as other "green" company feddybux loans than the "fast and furious" case.

I listen to Michael Savage a lot (he was a classmate of mine in high school and college), and he's talking this up a lot on his radio program (when he's not touting his new book).

Solyndra is a possibility as well. It happens to be getting a lot of press at the moment, but the undercurrent of Fast and Furious is still alive and strong. The Solyndra thing is kind of funny for me, because I live just down the freeway from it. It is located right up against Highway 680 in Fremont, CA (near the old NUMI plant, served by the UP). As I saw Solyndra as it was being built, each time I drove by it, I wondered to myself, "What the HECK is that going to be???" because it looked like a very fancy, modern, very "techy" building. Then when I saw all of the "green" signs going up (such as, "We're using green technology to heat our coffee!"), that's when I had a big let-down. I thought to myself, oh great, another government-subsidized mess that will make a product that people don't want to buy (just like the electric car). Little did I know how much of our $$$ they actually received. I drove by there on day 2 of things hitting the front page, and the FBI was EVERYWHERE. They were taking out boxes and boxes of evidence (paperwork I'm assuming).

And Mike, you listen to Savage? Wow--I'm impressed! I know where he went to college (UC Berkeley) but I'm not sure where he went to high school---was it The Bronx?
Ocala Mike
Member # 4657
 - posted
Michael Savage was a year ahead of me at Jamaica High School, Jamaica (Queens), NY. He was Michael Weiner back then, and I remember seeing him around school a lot, although we really didn't know each other. He was quite the "bohemian" or "pre-beatnik" back then in the late 50's. He's actually a year or so younger than me, but he got pushed ahead in school, quite common in those days.

We also attended Queens College of the City University of New York at the same time, and I think he got a BS in Biology. He got his PhD at Berkeley later, which he likes to brag about. Now, he's worth millions as a succesful radio talk show host, speaker, and writer, and I'm posting to an Amtrak forum with my BA in English Lit. C'est la vie!
Member # 5102
 - posted
I can picture Savage as a "beatnik", that's for sure. You may already know this information already, but he now lives in my neck of the woods---about 30 minutes from where I live. He's in Marin County (the "other" side of the Golden Gate Bridge) and he owns a yacht that he keeps in a slip in Sausalito. He often lives aboard during the weekends.

His son, Russ, is the owner of "Rockstar" Energy Drink. Prior to that, Russ ran for Congress (as a conservative Republican) but lost due to his district being VERY liberal.

Mike and Mark Levin both have nationally syndicated radio shows that are on "live" at the same time. I don't know the history behind it, but they CONSTANTLY make fun of each other---and not in a good way. I wish they would both knock it off because it detracts from the program. One thing that I always thought would be a kick would be to go out to dinner with Savage at one of his normal spots in North Beach. He's such a story teller!
Ocala Mike
Member # 4657
 - posted
Yeah, smitty, pretty much knew all that, except the stuff about your local radio personalities. I guess you might want to read Savage's new book, a novel called "Abuse of Power," which just came out. Lots of stuff, he says, about your area.
Ocala Mike
Member # 4657
 - posted
Originally posted by Gilbert B Norman:

what President in modern history has EVER had a more effective second term than the first?

Does FDR's THIRD term count?

Also, you have to consider the fact that there is some "selection bias" in that your two-term Presidents must have had an effective first term to begin with, or else they wouldn't have been re-elected, so they are their own "tough act to follow."
George Harris
Member # 2077
 - posted
Solyndra: Every time I see a picture of the place my blood pressures goes up momentarily. A look at the facility says it all. Form is more important that substance. Let's build a beautiful impressive building with lots of glitz, and then we will see if can come up with something that will sell.
$500 million? Isn't that about the same as Amtrak's subsidy that everyone gets so would up about? At least with Amtrak we get something nice to ride in and look at. For Solyndra all we get is a fancy building and some recordings of politicians telling us how wonderful they are.
Mike Smith
Member # 447
 - posted
Totally disagree about the impeachment proceedings, UNLESS we are foolish enough to re-elect him (you have no idea how many times I erased my dead-on accurate, descriptive phrase before I settle on "him").

And Wile E Coyote could win against obama. We desperately need someone to do to the DC "elite" what Palin did to Alaska's elite.
Gilbert B Norman
Member # 1541
 - posted
Originally posted by Ocala Mike:
Originally posted by Gilbert B Norman:

what President in modern history has EVER had a more effective second term than the first?

Does FDR's THIRD term count?
Good point acknowledged, Mike; very debatable.

On one hand it could be said that Hirohito and Hitler did more to unify the USA than did any act of war on our soil, but on the other, FDR hardly stooped to a level of ineptness by, say, invading and occupying Ireland (we need a base from which to invade England and repel Hitler).......

Uh, I think we all know what 2003 event such is analagous to.

All told, it appears the Second Term is just some kind of four year victory lap hallmarked by an air of do-nothingness. Some presidents have held it is some kind of entitlement - well at least that is what I concluded after hearing Jimmy Carter let loose with (to the effect of) "there was work to be done during the second term and the people were deprived from having it doen....'

What's the guy smokin'?
Gilbert B Norman
Member # 1541
 - posted
Appears that this topic can be laid to rest:


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