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It's All Over - Joe
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Gilbert B Norman: [QB] But Mr. Harris, she knows how to lay wreaths, roll Easter eggs, and pardon turkeys; so let's afford her some credit! Now knowing she would get "trounced" by any Republican in '24, Kamala would likely choose not to run simply to become a "sacrificial lamb". "We the people" are "mixed" towards VP's who succeed a sitting POTUS. On that point, ask TR, Coolidge, Truman, and LBJ. But then, how many of those tried to run for their second term (TR tried with a third party). Of course, ask same of Tyler, Fillmore, Johnson, Arthur, and Ford about their success in that arena. Finally, I must ask who the Democrats have on their bench? All told, whoever is elected in '24 will be a Republican - and will also have majorities within the Legislature and Judiciary. So sit back, relax, and enjoy eight years of Republican party rule. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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