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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 1373
 - posted
This is not to excuse an employee verbally abusing a paying passenger, but let me explain how it is.

As a station employee for over 26 years, if I had a dollar for everytime I was insulted when telling someone the train was late, I could retire. Do you people realize I had NOTHING to do with it? Do you people realize I don't like it either when the train is late? Do you people realize that like today, the train will be late tomorrow, with no accountability by any one above the field worker level? Yet let me be the reason for one of those service vouchers being issued and I have to answer for it. Do you realize that Amtrak operations at times has no idea where the train is at, no idea how long a delay will be, and we cannot get any info regarding the delay? It's even worse in the last 3 weeks.
Do you realize that the reason 80% of the service vouchers are issued is because of late trains? Has anything been done to improve the performance? Nothing.
I'm sick and tired of taking abuse from idiot passengers or people waiting for trains, abusing me for things that I cannot control. I do try to help, but get off my back, i'm doing the best I can with the tools at my disposal, and the support backing me up, which is next to nothing.

Oh yeah, to all of you people that think we make so much money. Here you want to know? I made 42,000.00 last year. What did I give up for that? Nights with my family. Weekends, holidays, my kids basketball games, football games, track. To go to work, not get any backing for anything I do, and take abuse from fools.

One more thing. That vast majority I deal with are decent, understanding, people. That i'll bend over backwards to try to help. But 5% of the people are foul, disgusting, individuals, that the train should run over.

[This message has been edited by disgusted (edited 03-22-2002).]

[This message has been edited by disgusted (edited 03-22-2002).]

Member # 1297
 - posted
BRAVO!!! Point well put.As in any service industry its alway the one with no control that get the brunt of the complaints

[This message has been edited by sideout1961 (edited 03-22-2002).]

Member # 1451
 - posted
Wonder how many of the whiners on this same board have been the ones to give you this verbal abuse. Having done some private car trips for railfans, know too well what a bunch of cheap whiners they can be. They expect everything for nothing!
Member # 128
 - posted
How appropriate! On Wednesday night, I watched a female conductor talk sharply to a passenger who suggested that she might have done a better job of communicating the fact that the locomotive had just died.

No, it wasn't her fault. She doesn't maintain locomotives. But she is responsible for the safety of the train and its passengers, she made a bad decision in allowing the train to proceed from Poughkeepsie, NY when the loco had already failed once, and she certainly had no right to talk that way to a paying passenger.

Those of us in the service business have learned that the only standard customers will tolerate is 100% on time. Of course there are service failures; we just have to learn to grin and bear it. Don't blame the victims. And if you find perfection to be an unreasonable standard, go work for Arthur Anderson.

Member # 1373
 - posted
rresor, you missed my point. I'm not saying Amtrak personel should be rude to a passenger, not at all. I agree 100% people should expect 100% on-time performance. Things do happen, and MOST people understand that fact.
What I am saying is the over abuse we take from a percentage of the public that think because your there it's your fault, and if they scream at you, it will make it better. Then in turn we have basicly lousy management that does nothing to improve train performance, are no where to be found, coupled with Amtrak's scrimping on maintence, and things are going downhill fast. Yet, if there's a complaint we answer for it, yet the initial problem in the first place(late trains) is never addressed. This conductor probably has had to put up with the same conditions for 2 years. It gets frustrating.

He's a perfect expamle. This conductor in your opinion made a bad decision, why? because she wanted to keep the train moving and it brokedown again. I guess she should of predicted that?

[This message has been edited by disgusted (edited 03-22-2002).]

Member # 125
 - posted
Yikes what a nightmare. Passengers should not abuse the staff, either.

But who controls the manual or electronic arrival status reports within stations? For example:

- The San Bernardino station in years past had 'on time' in plastic letters listed next to the train times on the schedule board. The sign was never changed even when the trains were running late.

- The Philadelphia station electronic sign listed an Acela train as first 'arriving' and then 'now boarding' before the train had even arrived at the station. Are station personnel "forced" to overstate the timeliness of the trains?

- The Stamford, CT station did not even list the Acela trains on its electronic monitor, yet I had a ticket for the train. It was only after talking to a (courteous) station agent that I verified that the train was running.

These are things that add to the station personnel stress load but don't need to be. (In fairness I've had similar experience at airports).

Member # 1373
 - posted
Honest, I never leave the window expect to get a cup of coffee or a restroom break. So I don't hide and people can ask me anything at anytime. I also make the promise here's my exact words "when I know something, I make sure you know, I don't keep secrets, but please bear with me." I don't change the little plastic numbers because most people don't see them and end up asking anyway.
Member # 1429
 - posted
I get where your coming from. The whole Amtrak system is a mess, we all know that.

But, on my train, after being 15 hours late, the passengers are all dirty, smelly, exhausted, and mentally frayed. There were young mothers with screaming babies and little toddlers to take care of. There was a blind man, senior citizens walking with canes who had to sleep all night on a wooden bench in Sacremento. When we loaded the buses in Portland I was shocked to see all the elderly in wheelchairs who were stuffed in that train, who didn't see the light of day for nearly 48 hours.

What I'm trying to say is if the Amtrak employees keep going off on the passengers, (and the other way around,) then a bad situation just feeds on itself and a long distance journey is a nightmare on tracks.

For the employees part, the ones with the real people skills can do an amazing job at diffusing a situation getting out of control. In portland, there was some higher up "Meg" and not only did she answer passengers concerns, but she opened the dining car to free breakfast and served coffee. When the buses pulled up to take us to Seatttle, she hauled baggage, then road with us to Seattle. When we arrived, she directed with passengers connecting to Vancouver, and I grabbed my bag and left, but I'd be willing to bet she was unloading baggage also. When we were telling her we didn't know how she kept so professional during a such a chaotic situation, she said, "People skills can't be taught, either you have them or you don't."
We were all teling her what wonderful jobs she could get with the airlines but she said she hates flying. We told her she could be a airport director.

Now, as for the passengers, a lot were probably first time rail travelers and didn't know how the chaos at Amtrak was affecting their operations. These people will most likely choose another form of travel from now on. The people who travel by rail frequently are probably a little more patient and expect the late trains.

Member # 1373
 - posted
Disband, You've made a very good point. If the trains would just run close to on-time 95% of the rude employee comments would fall by the wayside. Were all just frustrated, by the day after day lousy performance of the trains. Now who's job is it to correct this on-time performance fiasco? Not mine I know that? Management is just useless.
Passenger frustrations are showing up in the service voucher counts, and it's all about on-time performance.
Member # 18
 - posted
Disgusted, I realize that as an employee you are frustrated by the problems of Amtrak and by rude passengers. Your original post probably was referring to some of my posts.

I personally cannot remember a time that I have been impolite to an Amtrak employee, and I never remember a time that I blamed an employee on a problem that was beyond his control (being late for example). Typically, I am a polite person in any circumstance, whether on a train or not. I realize that many people probably treat Amtrak employees very rudely, and they should not. Employees deserve repect from the passengers. I am a high school teacher, and I feel the same way as you do when rude students cause problems, and it is very unfair to most of my students who are good, hard working polite people.

With all of this said, it still comes down to the fact that when a person pays for a ride on Amtrak, they should be able to expect being treated courteously by the employees. No matter how previous passengers have treated employees, the employees still do not have the right to treat other polite passengers rudely. And they definetely have no right to be yelling obscene language, including the "F" word in front of any passengers including my children. That has happened twice to me and I see no excuse for that.

From reading the posts on this forum, it seems that it would be obvious to anybody that Amtrak has a problem with rude employees. At least people perceive that there is a problem, and just the perception is enough that Amtrak should do something about it.

Elias Valley Railroad (N-scale)


Ira Slotkin
Member # 81
 - posted
Disgusted: I am glad you spoke up. I mentioned the inappropriateness of those personal attacks in a post to another thread. I am respectful of your spot between the proverbial rock and hard place (locomotive and coach?)

Konstantin: I appreciate your reflecting on and changing the tone of your posts. I think more folks will read them and think about them now. I certainly do.

My two cents: Here we are, all concerned about this issue and all struggling because we feel powerless to control the source of the problem. So we attack each other out of frustration and anger. I see that changing in this thread. How then, do i identify and get through to those who do control this? Problems I see: it is an issue of money and there is no perceived fiscal profit for corporation stock holders - and thus bonuses for CEO's - in rail passenger transportation; and more people evidently want to drive and fly than take trains. That didn't start when the passenger service was poor and infrequent and expensive. It started as auto and plane travel became more convenient and more in people's control and more lucative for the tire and oil and quto industries. Rail passenger business became less and less lucrative. And we have collectively bowed to this trend with highways and little investment in long term, fuel efficient, resource saving methods of transportation. I want what I want when I want it. Money buys us through problems but that denial of larger issues is getting us in trouble.

Thta is aside from the immdeiate issue of what happens when I have paid for a service I am told I can get and then don't get it. Of course I get mad. The same is true when I go to work - the employer agrees to provide a certain circumstance and then doesn't and leaves me to fill insulate the company from the customer's anger. Not viable for anyone if it goes on. Employees feel trapped as ey have families and commitments, customers feel trapped - and literally are trapped on the train. They attack each other. To whom do we turn now?

How do I convince our elect legislators to support something that (i think) better serves the country and the planet in the long term? How do I get local officials to invest in public transportation facilities - inter/antra state - without regard to the moiney they may get from a major multi national that owns food and cigarettes and oil and steel and farms and automobiles.

I shall not go any farther into my politics lest we get into religion as well.. And then the labeling that we are now getting away from would, I fear, really fly.

But this thread has seemed to me the most productive in a long time. Again Konstantin and Disgusted - Thanks!!

Meanwhile: I ride the trains, I call, I write, I vote, I picket, I boycott, I phone, I email, I attend meetings, I try to pick my battles.


Member # 589
 - posted
Well said.
Member # 1373
 - posted
Sometimes my frustration comes though in my posts, and I apoligize for that fact. I guess you can understand how frustrating it is working for a company like Amtrak due to your train riding adventures, and it just got 100% worse. I pet peeve of mine has always been the late trains, for years i've crabbed from my supervisor on up, as far a Warrington. What did it get me? My supervisor calling me with another supervisor in the background but not acknowledging he was there, chewing my ass for going over his head. Nothing regarding the late trains, it was they didn't exist.

My next gripe up the line is this. Since they took the phones away from the conductors, train status has gotten spotty. The engines have GPS equipment that update once an hour,(why an hour, should be every 10 minutes)but what happens? The engineers turn the set off. Just sent another message up the line regarding that fact. I just never learn.

Quick story regarding the 5% of people that I consider idiots.
Yesterday, one of my trains was 30 minutes late. Not bad considering how they've been running. A guy walks in the door, I tell him when the train will be in. He starts demanding a "rebate". I ask a rebate for what? For his time waiting for the train to come in. I laugh. He starts in one me that "no wonder no one rides the train" I tell him that's not true someone has to be on it. He says "why?" I said, your here aren't you? His face turned red and stormed out.

[This message has been edited by disgusted (edited 03-24-2002).]

Member # 1445
 - posted
Why don’t we tell passengers up front, before they buy their ticket, that trains run late often and how late they can be? Sure you will scare off some people that way. But the ones that ride will know what they are getting in to and not be so mad when it happens. I don’t know what percentage of first time passengers come back. But I know it’s small. Maybe if they are prepared, they won’t get so mad. And hopefully more will come back.
My hat is off to you guys and gals that have to put up with it all the time. I’m happier with the dirt, grease, and smoke than the b.s. If it gets too much you can always come play in the dirt with us. A lot of people do.

Member # 1129
 - posted
locomotiveguy ... I agree wholeheartedly with your suggestion, and I'm glad that one as familiar with Amtrak as yourself supports my opinion.

Last week I was attacked here on the Forum (and sadly, through private email as well) for simply taking the position that if Amtrak promises to get me to my destination at a specific time (THEIR OWN advertised time), I should expect to arrive at that destination somewhere NEAR that time. I still believe that my paid ticket gives me the right to at least have that EXPECTATION. However, as one very informative email-writer to me pointed out, Amtrak doesn't own the tracks. So, it's now clear to me that my expectations will rarely be satisfied.

I'd like to see Amtrak discard those misleading timetables that show departures/arrivals right down to the minute. I'd rather see them use the more general terms "mid-morning" or "late afternoon" ... or even show three-hour time frames such as "arrives between 6 am - 9 am."

Yes, I know people will complain about such imprecise timings, but as you said, they will come back.

At the very least, I think Amtrak should be upfront with the traveling public and tell riders that arrivals and departures are based solely on the availability of track. Many travelers are completely in the dark (as I was until hearing from my helpful correspondent) about the REAL reasons for delays.

I empathize with the service employees like "disgusted" who are forced to put up with the ridiculous and unreasonable demands from some passengers. I wouldn't have that job for twice the salary he's paid. It's too bad that so many have forgotten the Golden Rule, but I think that reflects where society is today.

[This message has been edited by mrlithian (edited 03-25-2002).]

Member # 475
 - posted
From previous post: "A guy walks in the door, I tell him when the train will be in. He starts demanding a "rebate". I ask a rebate for what? For his time waiting for the train to come in. I laugh. He starts in one me that "no wonder no one rides the train" I tell him that's not true someone has to be on it. He says "why?" I said, your here aren't you? His face turned red and stormed out."

You LAUGHED! Where were you taught that to laugh at the person that pays your salary was good customer service? And then you mock him back...and he leaves mad?

WOW! I would fire you if you worked for me in a second.

I get paid far less than you and I have to deal with rude people all day, especially when the stock market is bad ( like it is my fault...like the late train is your fault).

But NEVER would I laugh at someone! Never would I try to put them "in their place". Only once did I stand up to a predjudicial ( Jew hating comment).

About missing all your family life, that is not my fault as a customer of Amtrak. Please don't take it out on me. If you are unhappy with your job, look for something else. I took a huge , more than 1/2 pay cut so I could just be home to pick up kids from school. Missing my family life was not my client's or my employer's fault.

Disgusted...I feel sad for you. I hope you get out of your unhappy job, spend time with your family, and improve your outlook.


Member # 1373
 - posted
First off the guy wasn't a customer.(don't even give me the crap about, how he could of been) If he wanted to enter into a polite discussion, I would of given him A to Z on Amtrak. By his initial attack, he wasn't interested in anything but berating me.
I'll stand by how I handled it. The other 2-3 hundred people I dealt with that day, went away happy. Just look at what the guy wanted. he paid nothing, he never bought a ticket, last time I checked you couldn't give money back on Zero.

Do I know you? Can't recall taking anything out on you or any customer,

[This message has been edited by disgusted (edited 03-25-2002).]

Member # 125
 - posted

I guess it wasn't clear to us that the guy who demanded a 'rebate' wasn't a customer, but just a trouble-maker. I think I get the picture now. I don't blame you for putting him in his place.

Back to an earlier comment: so the locomotive engineers turn off the GPS transmitter?? I guess that keeps down the radio traffic. That may explain why some of the automatic train status times (from "Julie" at the 800 number) are several hours late...



Member # 18
 - posted
MrLithian and Locomotiveguy:

I agree with you about the timetables. Why can't Amtrak just let customers know from the beginning that they will probably be late. If people know that it can happen and are prepared for it, then there are far less problems to deal with. I mentioned this same idea in a previous post on this forum. I was balked at by the people who repsonded. I might have even been called a "whiner".

The coverup is worse than the problem. Amtrak is like Richard Nixon with Watergate. Just admit they have a problem and people can deal with it.

For those of you who always need the facts (which are not important here: as long as there is a perceived problem, then the facts are almost irrelevant): A potential traveler can find the on-time status by calling Amtrak or by looking on their website, but most people do not do that. They assume that Amtrak has a fairly reliable on time status.

Elias Valley Railroad (N-scale)


Ira Slotkin
Member # 81
 - posted
Oh boy, Konstantin. You mentioned Nixon and now this ol' sixties child is biting his lip trying to take his own advice about making judgemental comments... Oh the irony...

I do think there's a good methaphor here, for mis-communication: from the engineer disconnecting the GPS to the accounting procedures that hide where things are spent (at AMTRAK or elsewhere) to hidden donations to political parties and candidates to train staff virtually vanishing for hours enroute to some guy coming into the station and acting in a confrontational manner even though he is not a passenger. There's a fight over limited resources, sort of like salad bar etiquette (that may be an oxymoron) when there is very little of everything. I distrust any person in power who withholds info (the blank tapes), I find it hard to trust their stated agenda. We may get a great executive/manager in charge of AMTRAK. S/he will be powerless without resources.

But if we collectiveely do pressure for money for tracks and rights of way, for stations and equipment, for staff training and management training, for as significant a role in transporting us as the higways and automobiles have, then there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel.

I agree that I want to be told the actual arrival time as closely as possible. I also know that info is incorrect sometimes, and so I go to the station on time. Just what am I entitled to when I purchase a ticket on AMTRAK? And what do I know I am likely to experience? The point and problem in blaming and demanding satisfaction from someone like Disgusted is that s/he may not be in a position to resolve the situation and the nastier we get the more the interaction becomes a problem rather than addressing the endemic problems.

What a mess this is. All I want to do is be able to travel by train once in a while and trust that I'll have a safe and fun time. And mostly, I do.

Oh, I just can't help it. Back to what got me started this time: Nixon or _______ (insert your favorite) is gone but the problems of corruption, dishonesty, sexual picadillos, you-name-it in government, live on. So we can eliminate an employee we don't like but we don't become who we are in a vacuum. If we want to change the "culture" of AMTRAK we have to also look at the culture which supports it.

CK - thanks for your comment to me and for your help with the Tahoe info. My friends are on their way prepped with schedules etc from Truckee.

Disgusted: I wanted to send a hello off list but your info isn't available. I drove a cab on and off for 10 years and I bet we could swamp some customer stories about customers who are nasty.


Member # 475
 - posted
Disgusted: No I do not have it out for you and you have never wronged me. I was not flaming on you...just stating my opinion, that if someone laughed in my face, I would go to all ends to get that person fired...because if I was the employer I would not like an employee laughing in my customer's face.

I work in the stock market, and I too have had people demand money ( thousands) because the market tanked. Out of my control. But to laugh at them would nulify their concerns.

Ok...I know I sound like a customer service freak! Well I am. If someone treats me great, I go just as far to make sure their boss knows it. I just sent a raving review to Avis about their employees in El Paso.

But I know one person can just set you off.

Member # 1373
 - posted
Yummy, I guess I wasn't clear in my first post about that guy( late and tired) He wasn't traveling, didn't have a ticket, he was picking someone up. I had nothing to rebate.

Now, i'll give you guys a little info on that GPS stuff. I just found out the reason the engineers shut then off, is Amtrak has never negoiated with their union for them to use them. Also Amtrak has never trained them on how to use them. So some have a bug up their rear ends about using them, and just ignore them.

Member # 18
 - posted
Remember, it was old Tricky Dick who signed the act incorporating the National Passenger Railroad Corporation.

Elias Valley Railroad (N-scale)


Member # 26
 - posted
I've stated this before & I'll state it again. I've traveled almost 200,000 miles on Amtrak & VIA Rail. The service, beginning with the reservation agents all the way to the red caps has been improving steadily over the past few years
I give a big thumbs up to all of the Amtrak employees who have worked so hard to make the system work. They have done this with little or no support from management. They have done this with the lack of knowing if they will have a job next year.
Sure there are a few bad employees and I've even ran across a few of them, but, for the most part they are hardworking, dedicated employees.
Member # 1439
 - posted
I also am a veteran Amtrak (and pre Amtrak) rail traveller. 90% of the time, I have been treated professionally and courteously by Amtrak personnel from ticket agents to porters.

I must admit, however, that the West Bound Late Shore Ltd. must have crews that come aboard with wedgies!!!

Member # 1445
 - posted
A Little background on the GPS

I hear Amtrak has eliminated the second person in the cab when the time between crew changes is not more than eight hours. That should be most runs. Most train stops are short as possible. When they come to a scheduled long stop, The engineer may need to answer to nature. The last thing I want someone driving a train I’m on, is playing with a computer they have to unclip off the wall, and set on the control stand, in front of their controls to type on. We knew when we first installed them no one would use them. They should be back on the train so the conductor could get to them. One of the requirements for most of the management jobs that are posted is a BA. A BA in anything will do, like physical education. Most of us in the field don’t have BA’s. That makes us stupid. So no one listens. Opps again.


Member # 125
 - posted
I didn't know the GPS transmitter needed any computer entries. Thought it was just a gizmo that identified location.

Meanwhile, co-workers should listen to the experts on the job regardless of whether they have a BA or other degree or no degree

Member # 1512
 - posted
As someone who follows both the airline and railroad industries, I see a lot of common things in both. It may actually be worse to be a gate agent with an airline than a station agent with Amtrak, only because a gate agent probably sees more passengers in a day than a station agent does (big cities may be some exceptions). And at the airlines, it seems the people doing the most complaining are those who get the most perks (guess they have more to bitch about).

My heart goes out to all of you who have to deal with the public on a day to day basis and put up with some of the crap that the public dishes out, doesn't matter what industry you work in. I know I couldn't do that job and keep my cool at the same time.

Member # 1517
 - posted
As a frequent rider on Amtrak, I have seen both sides of this issue. Last summer, I observed a sleeping car attendent on the Texas Eagle/Sunset Limited take abouse from a drunk/mentally ill woman who neglected to take her medicine. The conductor had an opportunity to toss her off in Dallas after she was caught smoking in her room. Later, as the trip continued, she abused the attendant by swearing and using racial slurs. This situation continued all the way to Tuscon. I gave the attendant a 20 dollar bill and business card and told him to call for a reference if this lady complained about him. This guy handled the situation with class the whole way. Someone failed to make the decision to put this person off.

However, On the Lakeshore Limited I observed dining car crew members swearing at each other throughout the trip in the presence of passengers. At one point I heard the cook tell the waiter, "get the F### out of my kitchen." On this trip, I did ask for a voucher because these people came accross as absolutely not caring about their job or the passengers.

Overall, I know that people at Amtrak do their best and I respect their efforts in a lousy situation. Keep up the good work!

Member # 1373
 - posted
Very true, it's just not Amtrak employees that takes abuse, I feel for anyone in a job dealing with the public. I try to treat service people with respect, and a polite yes,no,sir,maam, and thank you.
What goes through some people's minds totally amazes me, and it's something i'll never get used to.
Member # 18
 - posted
Steve, I am glad that someone else finally acknowledged the use of obscene language by Amtrak employees. I have now heard five different employees use the "F" word in front of their customers, including in front of my children. The worst part was, that they all talked as if they normally talk this way, and nothing was wrong with it.

Elias Valley Railroad (N-scale)


Member # 1517
 - posted
I have only observed this on the Lakeshore Limited. In my experience, For the most part Amtrak employees, even when rude, do not swear around customers. I wonder how Amtrak handles these employees when complaints occur. The voucher program, in my opinion is useless if no corrections occur that benefit the employee and the corporation.
Member # 1439
 - posted
Seems that the Late Shore Ltd. has gotten the most "bad" reviews for Amtrak employee "attitude". What makes this train so "special" in the realm of employee behavior?
Member # 65
 - posted
Am I the only one who consistently has good service on the Lake Shore Ltd? The best coach attendant (a woman who loves her job and came through the car every half hour with a sweeper and rag and cleaned the floors, racks, and yes, even the restrooms!) dining car waiter (fast service with a smile) and sleeping car attendant (an outstanding individual who sets the standard for customer service) that I ever encountered have been on this train. I've ridden this train about a dozen times; am I just getting lucky?
Member # 1517
 - posted
Actually, I had a great trip last year. Verica Brisbane was the onboard service chief, and she approaches her job with a passion. I had her on the return trip from New York after I had the swearing waiters between Chicago and New York. She indicated that Amtrak was aware of this problem, and were trying to fix it.
Member # 942
 - posted
I've never traveled coach on the LSL, but twice I've been lucky enough to have Sprite (Spright??) as the sleeping car attendent in the Boston sleeper. Great guy - wonderful service and general good humor.
Member # 26
 - posted
Different trains have different crew bases which work those trains. Whenever I have been on the LSL I have had New York crews. The Boston section, I believe have Boston crews. It's possible the train sometimes has Chicago crews working and from my experience, I have not had consistently good service from Chicago crew base employees.
The California Zephyr has operated with Oakland & Chicago based crews & at times have both crews working different jobs.

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